Tuesday, 10 February 2009

What Mp3 Player do you use?

As a DJ when I purchased an MP3 player, I wanted one with the ability to record straight off my mixing desk. As flash as Apple ipods are, they are poor when it comes to their record features. I went for a Creative Zen V Plus, on which there were some half price deals on Amazon. Mine is only 4gb but has a linein record facility and a built in mike. It is ideal for DJs who wish to get their music online. For MP3 conversion I use Xilisoft audio convertor. I also have found a useful bit of software in MP3 reducer which changes the bitrate of your recordings. The Zens are now in better model format (8Gb) and are on Amazon for about £60. I'd recommend them for sure as I've been using mine for over a year now and not a single problem.

Listen to Shuffle radio here

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