Friday, 6 March 2009

A New Dawn?

I conduct a lot of research into esoteric knowledge on mind control techniques, psychic ability and centralised one world government system control. The internet is a minefield for this type of research and based on a lot of my personal experiences I have been drawn into the murky world of information mining. This article is presented with a few of these thoughts in mind. It hopes to awaken some of the reader’s ideas, encourage him to conduct further research and prepare himself for the dangers indentified for today’s world and tomorrow’s future.

We live in a technological age. That is for certain. New technologies have, since the last century, developed at an accelerated rate and the rate of change just keeps increasing. My grandparents grew up in an age where globalisation was limited. They lived through the Second World War, survived rationing, relied on traditional media such as books and newspapers and saw the emergence of radio as a commercial medium. The world was a lot smaller a place. Travel wasn’t as cheap and easy, and technologies, although significant, didn’t allow for the communication as we see it presently. The world was not an ideal place. As I mentioned the Second World War dominated the mid century. Conflicting ideologies had arisen and men across the world shed their blood in the name of freedom. After the war we entered a nuclear era and a cold war which sparked a rapid succession of technological developments. Aside from the nuclear weapons technology, man developed the ability to travel to the moon and consumers saw their lives changed with the advent of television. By the 1980s, the computer age loomed.

We have skipped on 30 years with computers becoming a dominant force in our lives. New tech such as mobile phones, sat nav systems and laptops are now essential consumer items throughout the world. The ability to communicate has never been wider. When I grew up, we just started learning about computers in school and most people had access to old machines for gaming and simple programming. The youth of today is surrounded by this new technology and absorbs it at an incredible rate. Their education is now reliant on computing and new technologies. Tomorrow’s world is daunting as adults today who are only just becoming computer literate will be far surpassed by the next generation’s tech abilities. It may appear scary, it may appear enlightening.

What does all this changing tech actually mean? There is a basic philosophical point of wisdom: ‘There is nothing new under the sun.’ Meditate on this point for a minute. Everything new is just a new form of something that is old. The same material is present on the earth at all times. We can shape and manufacture different items with our standard raw materials, but the essential components are constant. Silicon can be used to make the silicon chip, which can be used in most of the modern electronic inventions. What is a computer? Nothing but an advanced abacus. The underlying language of computing is nothing but mathematics. Every ancient civilisation from the Egyptians, to the Maya, to the Khmer, all used mathematics, although maybe in slightly different forms, for the building of temples and calendric systems, the tech of their era, their way of balancing their society. In the early twenty-first century we are on the cusp of a paradigm shift in global awareness and are truly creating a different language, a different means of existing.

Human beings do not biologically alter instantaneously. Well perhaps they do when you consider evolution theory. There has to come a point where the old dies out and new methods exist. Perhaps old style thinking has to change and a new man has to evolve. Is man’s nature affected by his inventions? Does technology become the factor which influences evolution? Hunter-gatherer man requires different evolutionary skills to the settled agriculturalist. Does new tech man of the twenty-first century fire the engines of human evolution?
One of the points I’m trying to make here is that although knowledge changes according to the tech, the old knowledge doesn’t dissipate. It may become less or more relevant depending on the circumstances but it still exists. New knowledge is not necessarily more advanced. Today, even with our technology we would not be able to construct amazing edifices such as the Pyramids or Angkor Wat. But the ancients probably couldn’t have built the skyscrapers of Manhattan also. One thing is for certain, in order to be evolutionarily adept and to benefit from new technologies and philosophies, it requires a certain level of intelligence or mental development. Ancient societies relied on their priesthoods or military tacticians. Good leaders relied on their intelligence networks and surrounded themselves with good advisors so they could maintain control and balance in their societies.

A strong method of leadership required an element of secrecy or good information management. Another golden philosophical constant is: ‘Knowledge is Power’. In the Egyptian Priesthood, they maintained the knowledge of hieroglyphics so that inscribers could record important information. The priests had advanced astronomical knowledge which scientifically enabled them to predict, for example, the seasonal flooding of the Nile. This was the most important event in the Egyptian agricultural calendar as it affected famine and plenty. It determined when to sow and when to reap. The priests set up devices in the pyramids to record the movement of stars. The heliacal rising of Sirius, the Dog Star, in spring, was seen to coincide with the Nile’s inundation. The Pharoah waited for news of Sirius appearing in the Queen’s shaft of the pyramid and when his high priests disclosed the occurrence, he went out in ceremony before his people and declared that he, the living God, would bring them plenty by causing the great river to flood. As the science was correct, the Nile did indeed flood, and Pharaoh represented himself as a deity before his followers, thus an element of mind control made them loyal and the Egyptian grain stores were full.

Across all civilisations, the leaders at the top have all depended upon occult knowledge to preserve their power and govern effectively. Psychic abilities and mind sciences are important and always have been. They form a core of the critical occult knowledge required for good governance. The Shaman, or tribal medicine man, has always been revered. Either standing as a priest-King himself, or a semi-deity at the supreme leader’s immediate right hand, the shaman stands as man’s interlocutor with nature. He is a spirit guide, who seeks out the ethereal worlds and journeys deep into them, to gather information that will help his people. He consults spirits of dead ancestors, animals of the forest, and non-living entities. Through the battles he fights in the spiritual realm, he determines the power of his tribe. Often shamans used inherited occult knowledge about the ingestion of sacred plants in order to achieve the ecstasy required for their sacred visions.

The common man has dreams which he can seek to interpret in much the same way as the Shaman has subconscious visions. Recently, I’ve been spending more and more time in front of a computer screen and have noticed that my dreams are being affected. Sure – logging into twitter from your pillow in the middle of the night is hardly the most exciting revelation. But I believe it’s important. Information technology brings you closer to people who are at a distance. You can really stay in touch with close friends, family and complete strangers through a variety of internet means. Facebook, Twiitter, MSN, Myspace, Skype and Blogger are all standard bearers for today’s methods of advanced communications. Even though we are sat at home or in our offices staring at an LCD screen, our consciences are being affected by the information we process. Thoughts occur and psyhic driving results. I’ve heard of the strange paranoid theories of computer chip implantation into people’s brains and my dreams started to scare me. I wondered if it was possible for artificial intelligence to be inseminating itself into humans? Surely this technology can’t exist. But look how radical some of our new inventions are. If computer chip implantation is not a future reality I would be very surprised. The general consciousness is being affected by digital technologies. Behaviours are being modified. Ipod culture isolates people in their digital havens as they travel about. Public transport is more eerily silent as people choose not to strike up conversations but maybe plug themselves into their favourite downloads or podcasts. The whole method by which we gather, assimilate and process data is changing our whole psychological system.

Wars will be fought in the future not over oil, or physical territory, but over information. Society is now globalised. Although nations still exist, borders are being dissolved. Even language barriers are falling down as internationalised English becomes standard. Information pings across the world at a touch of a button and people have never been closer or indeed more isolated. An old geography teacher of mine predicted a future world where everyone would sit at home and have no need to leave their house. Shopping, work and entertainment will all be conducted electronically. This day is here. How will our human nature deal with the new world order? Evolution is in action.

What about governance? It is all very well the technology emerging. Who controls this technology? Who are the most knowledgeable about it? Which leaders do they advise? There is a tendency for today’s politicians throughout the world to gravitate towards larger and larger political units. International treaties and alliances are more predominant and Economic areas are growing. Europe, for example, is a continental political entity which has more or less one economic voice. In my grandparents lifetime Europe was divided as nations fought over it. The UN is gathering more and more momentum and the US is the only relay superpower so no real poles of power exist. We are moving or maybe being pushed towards one world governance. What will this mean? Is it good for the planet? I see that maybe for issues such as climate change, a centralised power system could be excellent for doing exactly what is correct for environmental preservation. However I am certainly not convinced that a one world governmental system will be perfect. Power is a corrupting force. Always has been, always will be. To have a government with absolute power over the planet is a scary concept. It is undemocratic as democracy at the level a one world government might anticipate would be impossible to arrange. The select few at the top, the uber-powerful who desire control over the masses in the same way as Pharoah in ancient Egypt, are potentially very dangerous to mankind as a whole.

Currently information is disseminated fairly freely over the world wide web. Knowledge although not always truth, is available to one and all at a level of volume not seen since the days of ancient Alexandria’s library. How will the powers that be react to the masses organising their information? Will an intellectual elite emerge who will be naturally destined to govern? Rather I’d say that the current powers will not relinquish control but seek means of preserving it all that they can. I fear that the internet will become censored completely and dumbed down with propaganda. I notice that despite all the advances in technology in the past fifty years, the standard of the education system worldwide has fallen. The powers don’t want people to have knowledge and independent thought.

One of the scariest forms of centralised control that we witness today comes in the form of psychiatry. Children across the world are now being diagnosed with imaginary new diseases and drugged with powerful psychotropics in order to control their behaviour from a young age. Going back to the shaman who took hallucinogenic plants to gain visions… Are the pharmaceutical industry giants behind the psychiatrists training up an intellectual elite of young tribal visionaries to help the planet? I think not. I think that these drugs are designed to limit the capability of man’s brain, his facility to think independently and rise to a position whereby he dislodges the current status quo of the governing elite.

What other forms of cutting edge technologies exist? Military weapons are becoming more robotic. In the war, for example, in Afghanistan of recent years, US unmanned drones have flown sorties, bombing enemy locations, reducing the need for pilots to endanger themselves. A generation of computer gaming enthusiasts can now put their skills into hard-faced reality. The front line of warfare is tech today. Military investment and research goes into ways of disarming information networks and harming and protecting electronic infrastructures. New microwave transmissions are being used by civilian authorities to control crowds and preserve security in public places. Weapons are said to exist that completely reverse electro-magnetic fields and mind control technologies and new methods of propaganda and controlling the masses are more Machiavellian than at any other time in history. Electronic chips are now in passports and there are plans for tightened security everywhere with the mass introduction of essential identity cards. All the use of electronic equipment leaves a vaporous data trail, marking all our activity. CCTV images monitor every public move, massive data monitoring centres gather every iota of our credit transactions, our web browsing habits, our social networks. Will the future have any privacy and will freedom exist? We will no doubt redefine what it is to be free. What happens to those who wish to preserve an isolated more traditional life? Will the hermit achieve his peace or will the noise of the electro hubbub disturb us eternally?

One thing is for sure, we do live in exciting times. If we act responsibly the our future should be intact and we will build a new world of peace and prosperity and understanding for all. We must not lose the knowledge bequeathed to us by our ancestors. They left us cryptic messages that tell of their shortcomings and successes. We must use this information wisely and continue to develop without severing our heads and charging around the coop.

1 comment:

wezg said...

Cheers Valora. Yours is actually the first comment on my blog! It's nice to know that people are reading it. I hope I can keep you interested in my garbled ramblings...